Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser tattooing is a safe and effective way to remove tattoos. However, the procedure may be painful and the risk of side effects remains.”

Tattoos are paintings on the skin that are permanent in nature. However, there are some people who want to remove their tattoos for various reasons. Well, one method of removing tattoos that you can do is laser tattooing.

Laser tattoos can remove tattoos effectively, so your skin can return smooth almost like before being tattooed.

However, before doing so, there are a few things to consider about this tattoo removal method. That way, you can make the best decision that suits your condition.

Things to Note about Laser Tattoos

Laser tattooing is one of the safest and most effective methods of tattoo removal. It involves firing a high-powered laser that penetrates deep into the skin, permanently destroying the ink particles in the cells that give the tattoo its color. The destroyed ink particles are then carried away as waste in the bloodstream.

While laser tattooing is effective on all skin colors, the procedure is most effective on skin that has less pigment, aka fair skin. However, regardless of skin type, laser tattoo removal can leave scars and hypopigmentation (decreased pigment) at the site of the removed tattoo. However, it is usually very subtle and can become faint over time.

According to dermatologist, Arash Akhavan, MD, founder of The Dermatology and Laser Group in New York City, USA, black color tattoos on less pigmented skin are the easiest to remove. While tattoos with light colors, such as yellow, light blue, light green and orange are the most difficult to remove.

Before you decide to get a tattoo removed with laser tattooing, here are some things to consider or know:

1. Safe but uncomfortable

Laser tattooing is a safe procedure to do. However, make sure you have the procedure done by a professional who is trained to remove tattoos using lasers.

Although safe, laser tattooing can cause discomfort and pain in the treated area. To minimize that, the tattooist will give an anesthetic injection to numb the tattooed skin.

2. Side effects to know

After the procedure, some patients may experience temporary changes in their skin color or redness around the treatment area.

A decrease in pigment can also occur which makes the skin color lighter, but that is usually only temporary. The skin will usually return to its normal color within a few months after the procedure.

Skin infections can also sometimes occur as a result of laser tattoo removal, especially if the affected area is neglected.

So, it is important that you protect the lasered skin area well to prevent the entry of infection-causing bacteria.

3. After-care that needs to be done

Just like any other medical procedure, you will also receive after care instructions to ensure the best results from the treatment and also to minimize the risk of complications.

Here’s what you need to do after your laser tattoo treatment:

  • Keep the lasered skin area clean.
  • Avoid exposure to hot water on the lasered skin area or doing exercises that will cause heat to the skin, especially during the first 24 hours. You may shower, but use only a little warm water on the treated area and do not scrub.
  • Use petrolatum ointment for 2-3 days post-procedure to help the skin heal.
  • It is a good idea to cover the lasered skin area with a sterile bandage to prevent it from sun exposure, or accidental scratching that could create sores. Cover the skin area for at least one week after laser tattooing.

Those are the things that need to be considered if you want to remove tattoos with laser tattoo. If you experience severe side effects or do not heal after laser tattooing, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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