It’s a well-known fact that smoking causes an adverse effect on your health. You must have seen the warning message on all cigarette boxes – ‘Smoking is injurious to health’. Smoking tobacco is a root cause of 30% of all cancer deaths and causes 16 times higher risk of heart attack. There are almost 120 million smokers in India. As per World Health Organization, India accommodates around 12% of the world’s smoking population. The number […]
Some Safe Ways to Remove Tattoos
Do you regret getting a tattoo with your ex-partner’s name? Or maybe you’re applying for a job that requires no tattoos? If so, maybe you can try one of the tattoo removal methods below. Can permanent tattoos be removed? In addition to considering health factors before deciding to get a tattoo, you also need to estimate whether one day you don’t change your mind and decide to remove it. Permanent tattoos are very difficult to […]
Laser Tattoo Removal
Laser tattooing is a safe and effective way to remove tattoos. However, the procedure may be painful and the risk of side effects remains.” Tattoos are paintings on the skin that are permanent in nature. However, there are some people who want to remove their tattoos for various reasons. Well, one method of removing tattoos that you can do is laser tattooing. Laser tattoos can remove tattoos effectively, so your skin can return smooth almost […]